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We can't do this without your help

The Condor Project has one goal: bring money to the NGOs in Cambodia who are doing the work on the ground to help men, women and children from being trafficked, or to rescue the ones who already have. We rely entirely on the generosity of people like you. Please make a donation by clicking on the button below.

Thank you so much for being a part of this.


You can also make a check out to The Condor Project, and mail it to 750 9th St. NW Ste. 750 Washington, DC 20001.

All proceeds go directly to organizations working to fight human trafficking. We do not take a salary, and all administrative costs are covered by our personal finances.

You can also support The Condor Project through Amazon Smile! Click on the icon below before you do your shopping, and we will receive a portion of every dollar you spend on select items.